Union Delegates

The Locomotive Division structure includes the Executive Team, Divisional Councillors, local Sub-Branch divisional officials, delegates and committee members.

Every one of the Locomotive Divisional union officials is or was a Train or Loco driver and they are experienced in everything our members deal with day to day. 

The Executive Team

Includes the Divisional President, Divisional Vice President, Divisional Secretary, and Divisional Assistant Secretary.

Divisional President

Wayne Hicks

Divisional Vice President

Cathy Noone

Divisional Secretary

Paris Jolly

Divisional Assistant Secretary

Jim Chrysostomou

The Executive Team of the Locomotive Division represent all members of the Locomotive Division regardless of the enterprise they are from.

Divisional Councillors

There are eight Divisional Councillors elected :-which are four Metropolitan, two V/Line, one Pacific National and one Pacific National Intermodal.

The Divisional Councillors are elected to the Divisional Committee to respectively report on the issues involving the various Sub-Divisions listed below. Together with the Executive team, the Divisional Councillors are  also responsible for the affairs of the Division and Sub-Divisions.

The Divisional Committee

The policymaking body of the Locomotive Division is called the Divisional Committee, which comprises of the Executive Team and Divisional Councillors who are elected from the various rail enterprises.

Divisional Committee Meetings are held at least bi monthly at the Divisional Office of the Union. It is the responsibility of the Divisional Committee to see that all policy reflects the wishes of the majority of members.

Sub-Branches and Committees 

There are also Sub-Committees established in depots throughout the state. These are your local delegates who represent colleagues and can advise, intervene or attend meetings with members for all employment related matters.  

Metropolitan :

President: Adam Francis
Vice President: Angela Lardner
Secretary: Stephen Butler


(Southern Cross)
President: Wayne Hicks
Vice President: TBA
Secretary: Steven Cox

Wayne Davon
Vice President:
David Jennings
Marc D’antonio

Pacific National :

Secretary: JJ Styles

:Cathy Noone

Pacific National Intermodal:

President: Aaron Henderson
Vice President: Mathew Fenn
Secretary: Michael Simms