Membership Information.

When you might need the Union!

The below scenarios are just some of the scenarios that our delegates have been involved with. 

Need Legal Advice?

 For Industrial, Family and Criminal matters -please download the MEMBERSHIP LEGAL REFERRAL FORM.

Complete, save, and either email, fax or deliver to reception for a referral to one of the specified Lawyers.

Maurice Blackburn can deal with all your Industrial Legal Matters – workplace disputes and Wills

We also have a Family Law Firm and a Criminal Law Firm that provide our members with a free initial consultation and discounts on future consultations.

FREE LEGAL WILL KIT – Maurice Blackburn provide the service of a free will for current financial members. Complete the above form and we can have Maurice Blackburn post you out a will kit immediately.  


Registered rules of the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union.


(4) Subject to Sub-Rule 11(5), all subscriptions shall be paid either annually in advance or quarterly in advance at the option of the individual member. Where subscriptions are paid annually, payment shall be made no later than January 1 in each year and where subscriptions are paid quarterly, then payment shall be made no later than January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 in each year.

(7) A member paying his/her subscriptions through periodic deductions [Direct Debits] shall be financial from the date of the first such deduction provided that he/she owes no prior arrears.


(1) A member is unfinancial if he/she is more than thirteen weeks in arrears in his/her subscriptions or in the payment of any fees, fines or levies imposed in accordance with the Rules. Conversely, a member is
financial if he/she is not more than thirteen weeks in arrears in his/her subscriptions or in the payment of
any fees, fines or levies imposed in accordance with the Rules.

(2) A member, while unfinancial, shall not be eligible for any of the rights and privileges of membership
including the right to vote in any election or ballot of members or, to attend or vote at any meeting within
the Union or to nominate for or hold any Office within the Union.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Rule 13(1), a member who is unfinancial shall not become financial until he/she pays all arrears due.

(4) Where a member who is unfinancial makes a part payment or payments in relation to  subscriptions, fees, fines and/or levies outstanding, such payment or payments shall be applied to the amounts owing in the same order in which such arrears were incurred with the amount outstanding longest being discharged first.


(1) A member may resign from membership of the Union by written notice addressed and delivered to the
Secretary of his/her Branch.

(2) A notice of resignation from membership of the Union takes effect:-

a. where the member ceases to be eligible to become a member of the Union:-

i. on the day on which the notice is received by the Union; or

ii. on the day specified in the notice, which is a day not earlier than the day when the member
ceases to be eligible to become a member;
whichever is later; or

b. In any other case:-

i. at the end of two weeks; or

ii. on the day specified in the notice;

whichever is later.

(3) Any subscriptions, fees, fines and levies owing but not paid by a former member of the Union in relation to a period before the member’s resignation took effect, may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Union in a Court of competent jurisdiction, as a debt due to the Union.

(4) A notice delivered to the Branch Secretary shall be deemed to have been received by the Union when it was delivered.

(5) A notice of resignation that has been received by the Union is not  invalid because it was not addressed and delivered to the Branch Secretary.

(6) A resignation from membership of the Union is valid even if it is not effected in accordance with this Rule, if the member is informed in writing by or on behalf of the Union that the resignation has been accepted.

(7) If a financial member retires from employment permanently or changes employment to a position not covered under these rules by the union, the member shall be entitled to transfer to the status of Health Fund Member.