
Looking for employment with a train company as a train driver?

Being a train driver can be achieved through a training program with one of the various train companies noted below. You can apply directly to the company for any vacancies advertised on their website just as if you were applying for a job.

If you already have relavent qualifications, you may not need to complete the training program.

For careers advice or further information, please follow the following links for the respective contact and careers details:

Metro Trains Melbourne

Metro Trains offers a approximatley 2 year training program. Applications for a traineeship are made through their website Careers/Job section. Go to ‘All Vacancies’  a look for a traineeship train driver position.  If there are no vacancies for a traineeship,  then there are no training spots available.


V/Line offers a approximatley 73 week training program. Application for a traineeship are made through their website careers section. If there are no vacancies, there are no training spots.

VLINE Vacancies

Pacific National

Pacific National offers a approximatley 2 year training program via Asciano. Application for a traineeshipare made through their website careers section. If there are no vacancies, there are no training spots.